A dental emergency takes place when a tooth becomes loose, breaks, cracks or is completely knocked out. These emergencies can sometimes be avoided through the use of mouth guards during physical activity or by refraining from eating hard foods that may injure your teeth. This applies to natural teeth and dentures.
If your tooth has been chipped or fractured, it’s best to determine how severe it is. A chip is typically minor. A moderate fracture is any damage to the tissue, enamel or the pulp. (The pulp is commonly referred to as the “nerves.”) A severe fracture occurs when a tooth has been damaged and cannot be saved.
In the instance you fractured your tooth, gently rinse your mouth with warm water, use an ice pack to reduce swelling and take Ibuprofen for the pain. Call our office to schedule a visit as soon as possible.
If you have completely knocked a tooth out, call our office immediately for an emergency appointment. It is imperative that you are seen within an hour of your tooth being knocked out for the best possible chance of saving your tooth.
When handling your tooth, never hold it by the root. Touching the root may damage cells that are necessary in reattaching the tooth to the bone. Rinse the tooth very gently and place it in your mouth between your cheek and gum to keep it moist. It is imperative that you do not let the tooth dry out. Submerging in milk or saline solution is your next best option. Baby teeth do not need to be reattached although a trip to our office may be necessary to make sure that none of the tooth is remaining.
Whether it's cracked, chipped, or barely remaining, your next steps afterwards are very important. Call Baltimore Dentist Dr. Jacobson today if you have suffered tooth trauma.
Dr. Robert A. Jacobson, DDS
8109 Harford Road, Suite 3
Parkville, Maryland 21234
Ph 410-665-5205
Fx 410-665-5208
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