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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Don't Let Your Smile Look Like A Jack O'Lantern's!

With every Halloween comes spooky decorations, costumes, and lots and lots of CANDY! Having so many sticky, sugary sweets around can send our dental health care right down the drain in an instant. We all know that candy isn’t great for our teeth, let alone our overall health; however, some types of candy are especially more haunting for our pearly whites.

Gooey candy is terrible for your teeth. All of those tasty caramels and taffies can leave a sticky residue on your chompers, which acts as an adhesive for bacteria, resulting in tooth decay. It’s imperative that you brush your teeth after consuming sticky stuff so that you don’t look like a toothless jack-o-lantern.

Some of the worst candy you could consume would be any type of sour candy. If it makes your face pucker when you eat it, then it probably has large amounts of acid. Acid is detrimental to your teeth because it wears down your tooth enamel. Once your enamel is worn, your teeth are more vulnerable to chips and breaks. This can also cause tooth sensitivity.

Hard candies are bad for your teeth because you typically take longer to consume them, resulting in your teeth being drenched in acid and sugar longer. There is also the risk of breaking a tooth when biting down.

If you must have one of these three types of ghoulish candies, your best and safest bet would be choosing the sticky candy and immediately brushing your teeth afterwards. However, If any of these treats give you trouble contact Baltimore Dentist Dr. Robert A. Jacobson.

Sick of handing out candy? Be the healthy house on the block! Doling out sugar free hot chocolate packets, sugar free gum or trail mix can be a lovely alternative. You could also skip candy all together and hand out spooky pencils, stickers, erasers or silly teeth.

Have a safe and healthy Halloween from Dr. Jacobson’s office!

Dr. Robert A. Jacobson, DDS
8109 Harford Road, Suite 3
Parkville, Maryland 21234
Ph 410-665-5205
Fx 410-665-5208

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