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Monday, November 19, 2012

How Your Diet Plays Into Your Oral Health

When we think of our dental health, we often think of brushing, flossing, and regular visits to our dentist. By the time we reach our golden years, many of us will require replacements for our lost teeth.

One astonishing statistic from The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention states that 25% of U.S. adults aged 65 or older have lost all of their teeth. That is a staggering and preventable statistic. In addition to regular brushing and flossing, there are other methods of strengthening and preserving your tooth's enamel. 

Think about your diet. What are you taking in? Many foods and beverages can be delicious, yet detrimental to our oral health. However, there are many foods and liquids that are both delicious and good for your teeth.

What can you drink to help combat tooth decay?


Yes, water. Simple enough. You rinse with it, it cleanses the pallet, it promotes saliva, hydrates the gums, and flushes away particles of food lodged in your teeth.

2.Green Tea.
Green tea is a long celebrated drink enjoyed by the world. Which is good for us because it's loaded with plaque fighting antioxidants. Some green teas contain fluoride which also combats tooth decay. Be sure to check the label for this.

Milk is calcium rich, which means you are strengthening bones and teeth, further staving off plaque and bacteria.

1. Onions!
Yep. Onions. While they don't do our breath any favors, they are loaded with anti-bacterial sulfur compounds which then kills harmful bacteria that compromise our oral health. So eat up… But don't forget to brush-up right after!

Same as milk. Loaded with calcium and phosphate. It also produces more saliva and kills bacteria… and it's delicious.

Eat fruit as it comes to get the most benefits (you can peel it). If you eat it whole, you will receive all of its nutrients that come along with the peel. It fights plaque and massages the gums. Also, don't be shy to eat a lot of Vitamin C rich fruits. They hold our bodies (body's) cells together, and without it? You guessed it… gum disease. "Orange ya glad I warned ya?"

Protein has Vitamin D which is also an ally of our teeth and bones. Embrace it. You can find it in many foods; eggs, beef, turkey, all phosphorus rich foods.

Most importantly, brush and floss, but also be mindful of your dietary intake. The foods you eat and the liquids you drink don't just affect your waistline; they affect your gum line, and ultimately -- your lifeline.

Contact Baltimore Dentist Dr. Robert A. Jacobson for more information on healthy food choices for your teeth.

Dr. Robert A. Jacobson, DDS
8109 Harford Road, Suite 3
Parkville, Maryland 21234
Ph 410-665-5205
Fx 410-665-5208

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