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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Got Halitosis?

Bad breath is something we all fear. We know the guy at the office who stuffs his face with pastrami and onions, downs a soda, and then smokes a cigarette to cap it off. You pull out a mint and quickly offer him one. "No thanks, I'm good," he replies. While you are being inundated with his odorous onslaught, take this time to ask yourself, "What can I do to NEVER have breath like that?"

To avoid bad breath the first step is awareness. Take proper measures to ensure that you don't offend. Perform a quick test. Lick the back of your hand, waive it around and then smell it. I know, sounds gross -- but, if it smells gross that's a pretty good idea what your breath smells like...providing you haven't been handling rotten eggs.

Once you are aware of the state of your breath, take measures to combat the culprit. What does your diet consist of? Halitosis is caused by several factors, one of them being diet. Foods such as garlic and onions can consume our blood and digestive systems releasing gasses that exit through the mouth. If you love garlic, as many do, take a travel tooth brush to lunch with you. Give your teeth a thorough cleaning and rinsing after lunch. Halitosis is often easily treatable if the cause is recognized. A mint won't cut the mustard. Brush and floss after every meal and you should be fine. If the problem persists, it could be an underlying medical problem that needs further diagnosing.

Contact Baltimore Dentist Dr. Robert Jacobson today if you have an issue with persistent halitosis.

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